Monday, February 20, 2012

Chickens in Distress

Remember that "Meet your Meat" film that PETA created a few years ago?  People thought, "It can't be that bad.  I'm sure most places don't treat their animals like that..."  Well, see for yourself. 

I personally took these photos at the Chase St. entrance on the SR10 going into Athens.  These chickens have arrived from Texas and are being delivered to a distributing plant in Athens, GA where they're "processed", divvied up and distributed to grocery stores.

I've been meaning to get some photos of these trucks for some time.  I often find dead chickens on the road that have fallen out.  Many of them on board are squashed and have broken legs.  I personally can't eat something that's suffered like this. 

The chicken at the top left has been crushed.  His feet are dangling out of the wire cage because either he's dead, or so weak he can't sit up.
This truck came all the way from Texas.  Long ride, especially when you're squashed among hundreds of other passengers

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