The sky is gray
Some droplets fall
But fail to dampen our spirits
While every wintering bird
Comes to call
Yet in all this wet and gray
The RUBLs remain MIA
So, the Sapsuckers stick
To their chosen trunks, like paper clips
To a magnet
They scoot and tap their way
Until there is no bark left to inspect
And off they fly, away from my eye
For I can only see to the four corners
Of this small, car window
The Crows approach now
Closer, drawn by our yellow corn and egg bait
But they know something is awry
They want it so much, but
They keep their black-feathered distance
Shuffling, too smart for their own good
Curious and afraid
Eventually their fear takes them
Cackling and screeching, one to the other
The Blue Jays harass their nemesis birds
Brilliant and red
One moment perched and the next
Diving into the group of eight scarlet crests
Until the ball scatters among the mistle toe shrubs
The jay stands proudly in the center of the shadow
Of his own making
What do I feel for the shuffling doves
As they bob their small, smooth beige heads forward
Their blue spectacled eyes fall onto nothing
But only those things edible
With only one thing in mind,
The Mourning Doves do not flinch
At every sound
Or movement
Like the crows, blackbirds, and jays
Waddling fervently inside their flock they
Peck and pick and prattle and coo
And then, for no apparent reason at all
Up into the tall pecans
They wait
I hear the sinister ‘dee-dee-dee’s
Of the tiny forest punks
Those small, feathered yobs
Remind me of a roving gang of mischievous children
And as their acronym suggests
They are off caching bits of our bait
To ensure
On warmer winter days
Full bellies on the cold, wet grays
Alas, the brown-headed squeaky toys have arrived
In the late morning light
They brighten the wait
Their upturned bills tip downward
Toward the earth
My gaze snaps up
Into the bare branches
As the wet “chup” of the Myrtle Warbler
Pierces the cool air of this old
Pecan grove
From seven on, I did wait
And at eleven ‘o’ eight, the Starlings bold
They see the bait
But no one told
The Rusty Blackbirds, no
They do not show
Where would they be now?
We simply don’t know